A graph consists of a set of vertices together with a set of edges, which are pairs of distinct vertices.
The graph is a subgraph of of if and . Is a spanning subgraph of if . And it's an induced subgraph of if has as many edges as possible.
A graph with n vertices and e edges are said to have order n and size e.
A spanning path of a graph is called a Hamiltonian path, and a spanning cycle called a Hamiltonian cycle. A graph is called Hamiltonian if it has a Hanmiltonian cycle.
The degree of a vertex is the number of neighbours it has.
The girth of a graph is the length of its shortest cycle. The girth is infinite if the graph is acyclic.
The distance between two vertices u and v is the minimum length of a path from u to v in the graph. It is infinite if there is no such path.
The diameter of a graph is the maximum of , over all vertices u and v.
The graph is connected if its diameter is finite.
A connected graph with fewest edges is called a free tree.
A graph is said to be k-partite or k-colorable if its vertices can be partitioned into k or fewer parts, with the endpoints of each edge belonging to different parts.
A 2-partite graph is generally called bipartite, or simply a “bigraph”.
Proof. Every subgraph of a bigraph is also a bigraph. However a cycle of odd length is not a bigraph.
They are much like graphs except that they have arcs instead of edges. Also, their vertices are allowed to have self loops.
The digraph are called simple if there is only one arc from any vertex and .
Out-degree of a vertex v is denoted as , in-degree is denoted as .
A vertex of in-degree 0 is called a source; a vertex of out-degree 0 is called a sink.
Two arcs are consecutive if the tip of the first is the initial vertex of the second.
Every SGB digraph of order n and size m is built upon a sequential array of n vertex nodes. The m arc nodes are linked in an unstructured memory pool.
Every vertex node has two fields, NAME and ARCS. NAME points to the name of the node; ARCS points to a the first entry of a linked list of all the out-degrees of the node.
Every arc node has two fields TIP and NEXT. TIP represents the tip of the arc while NEXT points to the next arc in the linked list of all out-degrees.
The complement of graph , denoted is obtained by letting
Given two graphs and , their union is the graph .
Every graph leads to a line graph , whose vertices are the edge of ; two edges of are adjacent in if they have a common vertex.
The juxtaposition or direct sum of two graphs and , denoted is simply drawing along side to . The adjacency matrix of where is matrix with all 0's.
The join, denoted by , which consists of together with all edges for and . The direct join is simply join but all the edges are directed from to . The adjacency matrices are
where is matrix with all 1's.
The cartesian product of and is a graph whose vertices are ordered pairs , where and . The edges are when in or when in .
The direct product , also called the “conjunction” of and , or their “categorical product”, has when in and in H.
The strong product combines the edges of with those of .
The odd product has when we have either or but not both.
The lexicographic product , also called the “composition” of and , has when in , and when in .